Thursday, October 18, 2007

I think Japanese is beating out my other languages. When I tried to answer a question at dinner tonight in chinese, my brain immediately went to Japanese first. Then to Portuguese. But Portuguese is close enough to Spanish, which can be similar to English, so it's simple enough to come up with an appropriate word. My mind is all mixed up.

I really want to just take a personal day, and relax. Wake up when my body decides to. And watch all my movies in my different languages, and pretend that counts as studying. My friend Natalia brought me Monsters Inc. back from Brazil, where she is from, and Portuguese is a language option. I have a few Japanese movies. Well, only Totoro is with me, but back home I have the entire Doraemon series, which is something I grew up on.
We talked about childhood times today, and what we used to do. Although this was just to get us to use the past tense, it got me thinking about my childhood, especially the part that happened in Japan.
I went to an International school where we learned in English, and in my house we spoke English. All my friends spoke English. So, how was it that i used to watch my japanese cartoons and understand everything? I watched Sailor Moon and Doraemon, and with my brother, Dragon Ball and Slam Dunk.

I guess another question would be whether or not I really did understand it all. Maybe my brain was still at that point in life where it could easily fill in the gaps so that I could comprehend those cartoons. Maybe I just made up what I didn't get. But on the other hand, what if I did understand it all. If I did, where did that japanese knowledge go? I feel like I can "hear" japanese easier than I can "chinese". Is that because more complex things are discuessed in chinese? or could i have (hopefully) retained some of that japanese knowledge of a 5 year old?

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